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Children in Need of a Sponsor


Bernard is 12 years old. He is helpful and hardworking and does very well in school. He would like to be an accountant when he grows up.


Tabitha is 13 years old. She is soft spoken, and is very responsible and organized. She would like to be a nurse one day.


David is 3 years old. He loves playing and building things. He also loves dancing at church. His favorite game is football.


Gregory is 5 years old. He enjoys going to school each day, and loves being with the other children. He would like to be a doctor when he grows up.


Mikey is 6 years old. He is always smiling and is very social. He loves playing football and going to school. He would like to be a teacher one day.


Lucy (Chichi) is 6 years old. She was shy when she first arrived at IAA in 2022, but she now interacts and loves going to school. She loves going to church and dancing.


Brian (Otis) is 12 years old. He loves building things. He is the tallest among his age mates and leads others to church. He would like to be a Kenya army officer one day.


Joy is now 14 years old. Her name is fitting because she is full of joy and loves dancing. She also helps lead worship in church.


John is 1 year old. He is always smiling, especially when drinking milk. He is growing day by day. Everyone likes to hold him and carry him on their shoulders.


George is 8 years old. He is very talkative and likes to learn new things. He likes to lead songs in church and enjoys school. He would like to be a lawyer one day.


Jane is 1 year old. She is always smiling and loves to see new things. Everyone likes to hold her because she adapts to anyone. She is growing bigger day by day.